5 Best “MLM Recruiting” Techniques For Downline Growth
Would you like to improve your MLM recruiting? If you’re involved in the network marketing industry and want to succeed, you’ll need to constantly be improving how to: recruit, sponsor, manage and motivate your downline.
As you’re developing your network marketing business you have two main tasks. One is retailing products. The other is recruiting new people into the business.
There’s nothing wrong with retailing products. Do so whenever you can. But from a exact technical perspective, this is not the best way to build your business. The better use of your time is not retailing the products, but rather is in recruiting and sponsoring new members to join the business opportunity.
The reason for this is it’s because downline recruiting it’s a stronger use of your time. The more people that you can enroll into your downline, the more leverage you’ll gain. And it’s that leverage that will help you to move forward faster, and improve your chances of success.
There’s really very little leverage in retailing the products (generally speaking). Because in retailing products you’re basically trading time for money. The moment you stop retailing products, your income also stops. However, where as if you build a downline, that team of people is constantly working 24–7–365. Often even while you’re sleeping someone in your downline is working, and making your more income. This kind of leverage will ultimately help you win the game of MLM.
The Five MLM Recruiting Techniques
- Learn from those more successful than you, such as your upline. Also sometimes you need to read between the lines. They might tell you something, but what you should be carefully looking at is “what are they themselves actually doing”? Starting doing those things that you see them doing. Not just what they tell you to do.
- Improve your recruiting skills. Things like public speaking, doing presentations correctly, signing up new people correctly, knowing your company and MLM business inside and out; are all important skills to develop. Develop your mindset where your focus is mainly on building your downline team. As once you have enough people in your team, it could begin to grow on it’s own, which is what you want to eventually see happen.
- Develop your list of contacts. Work on increasing your email list, your contacts list, your social media following, and your newsletter subscribers. Make sure you record as much of their information you possibly can. Especially those in your downline. That way in a worst case scenario you’ll have everyone’s contact information which provides a safety net for your business.
- Develop responsible positive daily action habits. As a network marketing distributor you’re self employed. So you have to basically parent yourself. Building self discipline to get up each morning and work hard on your business, for as many hours each day as you can. And working on improving your positive daily habits is important. Which leads me into the last step…
- Refine your recruiting process. Find a process that works for you. Then begin to refine it, and improve upon it. The recruiting process will be different for every network marketer, based on their skill set. Not everyone’s super tech savvy. And not everyone is a strong sales or people person. So focus on your strengths in what you’re good at. Also be willing to test new approaches and tools that can help you recruit more people. One such tool is called MLMRC which is a recruiting service for network marketers. That allows you to automate your downline recruiting. Find a system that works for you, use it, and begin refining it, and improving it. Keep testing new methods until you find a system that’s getting you daily or at least weekly downline signups.
Conclusion: The bottom line is that you need to focus more on mlm recruiting and less on retailing products. Again, the reason for that boils down to gaining leverage, which will get you ahead in your business a lot faster. Ultimately increasing your chances of success in your MLM business. Just keep working hard and trying new things, and keep refining your recruiting strategy. Good luck.
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Sincerely, Nina