Network Marketing Lead Generation Tips
Are you interested in getting more leads
in your network marketing business, or
never running out of prospects I’m going
to share with you three of my biggest
tips on this article coming up every network marketer needs to know.
First, I’d like to point out that instead of finding MLM leads, trying to recruit them, and dealing with all that wasted time and hassel;
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Now, thanks for stopping by my
medium channel where we give you
weekly content and training on how to
succeed now when building your network
marketing business being this industry
for over 25 years being blessed have a
lot of success in the industry I’ve
learned and I’m sure you already know
this having leads or prospects people to
talk to is essential when building your
business so what I want to do is give
you three key things that have really
made a big difference than me
prospecting me recruiting hundreds of
people and leading to the success that
I’ve had number one now do not switch
off your computer when you hear me talk
about number one because it is the most
overlooked key and all of the three T’s
and it’s very important it’s the most
important of all three and that is focus
on the leads that you do have before you
go to step two and three that I’m going
to talk about just a minute because you
have your own prospect list that’s your
warm market warm market is always better
than cold market now what do I mean by
warm market it’s people that you know or
people that are referred from someone
that you know so if I was sitting down
with you right now I would play the game
act like I’m going to give you $1,000
for every name that you put down on the
list how many could you put down well
I’ve done this with people time and time
again normally within about five minutes
they have 40 50 60 sometimes over a
hundred names and less than five minutes
and then I ask them the question why did
you only have a few names on your list
before I gave you that scenario and yet
now you have a lot more and they will
last and they will go well I was
prejudging well the difference is when
you don’t prejudge you write every
single name down that you can possibly
think of it will be worth a lot more
than $1,000 a name I can promise you
because it’s not just the names that you
put down it’s who they lead you to we’ve
heard the six degrees of separation
well now social media I believe it’s
even closer than that you can take six
and who they know and network all the
way around the world so spend time and
write your list your own list you want
to connect your name with your company’s
name and brand that because even if it’s
not for them right now
it may be for them in the future things
change no does not mean no and then it’s
not just again who you know it’s who
they know you can even ask your list
I’ll call through and set things like
this hey look I know what I’m doing is
not for you
but do you happen to know of anyone just
looking to generate some additional
income on a part-time spare time basis
with what they’re doing right now do you
know anybody that’s dissatisfied with
their job and a lot of times they’ll
give me referrals but I’ve had people to
go Darrin I just don’t know a lot of
people with a study show statistics show
we know over 2000 people by their first
name by the time we’re in their early
me I looked at her Facebook she had two
thousand people in her Facebook I asked
her how many names does she have in her
phone I said do you go to church do you
work out of the gym do you have a job
and she started to laugh and go you know
what Darrin you’re right I put down the
people that I thought may be interested
and you’re going to find just like I
found in my experience in the industry
people that you think will do it a lot
of times will not do it then they’re
people you’re going no they definitely
would be interested at all they’re the
first people that actually show interest
and get started in your business so make
sure that you spend time tip number one
focus on your own personal list it is
worth the time and investment I can
promise you that tip number two continue
to grow your list expand your list every
single day at least five days a week
let’s just say at least five days a week
a concept that I learned a long time ago
that absolutely change my business is a
concept call two a day now what do I
mean by two a day two prospects a day
adding to your list I remember asking
one of my mentors that it had a lot of
success in the industry
I remember going how is two a day going
to create well how is two a day going to
build me a big team and and they
reminded me that the definition of
wealth in this industry is to get a
large group of people doing a few simple
over a consistent period of time cake is
simple duplicates in the business so if
I’m doing two a day five days a week
that’s 40 new prospects every single
month and you go over there and how’s
that going to change my business will in
a year that’s almost 500 new prospects
on your list or if you have 10 people on
your team doing that that’s 400 new
prospects a month if you have a hundred
people on your team doing that that’s
now he did say two a day we all know
those saying an apple a day keeps the
doctor away and I ask this of my
training how many of you actually eat an
apple a day very few people in the room
actually eat an apple a day even though
we know that it’s true an apple a day
helps to keep the doctor away so just
like this industry what’s easy to do is
easy not to do I used to go what if I
get out all two a day five say five days
in one day what if I do ten today and
take off the rest of the week no that’s
not the point okay it’s an apple a day
keeps the doctor away they don’t say
wait till Sunday
eat seven apples your stomach is going
to hurt so you’re you’re developing
those success habits to become a part of
what you do now I will also say don’t
let your minimum be your maximum because
as you’re prospecting and you’re talking
to new people your exposures or your
miles per hour when it comes to business
so you may want to go to three a day
four day five a day that’s totally up to
you my only recommendation is if you do
more than two a day don’t go blast that
to your organization because you want to
make sure that you’re giving them
something that’s very simple they can do
on a part-time spare time basis with
what they’re doing right now and two a
day is something that every single one
of us no matter how busy our lives are
because most people are part-time spare
time in the business when they start out
they can do that so two a day is tip
number two and a critical when it comes
to continuing to expand your list adding
leads and prospects of people to go talk
to okay and last but not least number
three is network you want to continue to
network to go build your list people
like well where do I go
get to add a very simple well as you’re
out doing life be a having five kids
being part owner of two franchises
having a big organization in a network
marketing company life is pretty busy so
a lot of times I don’t go out to do
network marketing I do network marketing
while I’m out
so as I’m at Starbucks I just look for
something in common or I look for a way
to complement sincerely complement
someone maybe hey I like your shoes you
know where did you get your shoes or
maybe if it’s another guy with the same
haircut that I have a guy hey man like
your haircut
and we just start talking find something
in common next thing I’ll know I’ll go
hey so what do you do for work and then
they go hey what do you do for work then
you give you a little 30-second
commercial or your elevator pitches we
call it in the industry and then oh by
the way hold on one second and before I
walk let go listen our company is
expanding here in the area it may or may
not be for you but do you happen to know
of anyone that may be interested in
generating some extra income on a
part-time spare time basis
a lot of times they’ll go well what is
it okay well what do you do and I go
look I’ll confuse us both this does a
whole lot better job and I go I can text
you a video it gives a little little bit
of information I can give you this
magazine or this DVD or I can text you a
link to a webinar so that’s that’s why I
do some if I’m adding two people maybe
I’m at the gas pump and I go man nice
car okay where did you get the car how
do you like the car hey so what do you
do for a living
so what I do is I network as I’m out
maybe you join a leads group maybe the
Chamber of Commerce maybe a BNI group
you know there’s lots of things that you
can do while you’re out every single day
or if you’re just asking people follow
your money here’s another great example
I don’t expect you to do business with
me if I do business with you however I
do expect the courtesy to at least
listen to what I do
so as I’m out I’ll just start asking
people hey listen I see you every day
here at Starbucks or I drop my
dry-cleaning off and I’ve been a
customer for quite some time do you
happen to know of anybody that may be
interested in and then you give your
commercial once again so if I’m asking
or I go hey look I know what I
doing is not for you but you may know
someone I would love for you to take a
look at this information and give me
your feedback so make sure you network
continually and continuously because
that next person could be your
retirement that you meet while you’re
out question of the day what’s the
biggest thing you got out of this
training and what you’re going to
implement immediately I love you to post
that in the comments below I love to
read your comments and see your feedback
everybody thanks for stopping by my
channel for more training content just
like this one make sure to subscribe to
my channel and if you have not had a
chance to download my free ebook with
three more teas in building your
business make sure to go to where you can buy downline signups for your mlm business.
Also until next time thank
you and we’ll see you soon