Sponsoring Downline
Making money in multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as network marketing, requires you to sponsor other people, who then become your “downline.” This type of structure gives you a financial bonus for the sales revenue produced by the people you enlist and by those they sponsor, too.
That said, now you can order downline signups to instantly join your downline. No more wasting tons of time sponsoring. Just order how many you need at this website: www.prodownline.com
It can be a challenge to find people for your downline who are self-motivated and eager to learn the process of growing their businesses. Succeeding in building your downline takes persistent effort and a willingness to follow instructions from your sponsor and others in your upline. You might experience many rejections before you find enough people to accept your business opportunity and help you fulfill your financial goals.
Set goals with your sponsor to be accountable for your activity. You might be more motivated to build your downline if you have committed to sponsoring a certain number of prospects a week or month. Meet frequently with your sponsor to review the activity required to reach your goals.
Show your new business to acquaintances and relatives. If you are excited about your future, your enthusiasm can be contagious. You might find downline in the people you already know.
Study the art of approaching people you don’t know and qualifying them to join your downline by striking a conversation to find out if they’ve every wanted their own business. Ask your sponsor to accompany and coach you while you prospect. Buy tools, such as CDs, videos and books, offered by your MLM, which will combine inspirational stories with practical training on how to build your downline.
Start conversations with people when you prospect in person. If you’re standing in line at the grocery store, comment on something you and the person behind you have in common, such as kids or taste in food. Focus on becoming acquainted with someone as a friend before you offer a business opportunity. Give prospects your business card and ask for their contact information so you can call them later.
Advertise online through a website, blog, emails or paid ad space on business sites to attract prospects looking for an entrepreneurial opportunity. Since some individuals might have misconceptions about MLMs — equating them with pyramid schemes — don’t give too many details or exaggerate the income potential. Use terminology your target market can relate to, such as “Are you tired of your job?” or “Have you been looking for a business you can run part time?”
Invite your prospects to informational meetings about your MLM once you have screened them for interest in owning their own business. Experienced upline or other distributors will work with you by explaining the opportunity and answering your prospects’ questions. Meetings can be held in intimate settings around a dining room table, or in larger settings like a spacious hotel banquet space.
Ask your prospects to sign up. Once you have given your contacts all the information they need to decide if the business is right for them, offer to sell them a start-up kit. It’s unlikely that they will broach the subject first, so be assertive in finding out if they are ready to make a decision.